London Marathon 2025 – Vision Foundation

London Marathon 2024

"Meet our London Marathon team" Collage of Vision Foundation and Fight for Sight runners and cheerers. Featured include: a Vision Foundation cheerer with curly sandy brown hair and glasses, she is smiling with inflatable clappers in hand. Fight for Sight runner Rabia in large sunglasses, she is running with her guide who wears a neon orange vest. Vision Foundation runner, Duncan who is smiling excitedly, and a Fight for Sight cheerer wearing a furry pink and orange coat with comically large orange toy glasses on her head. She is waving her arms above her head.


Event date: Sunday, 27 April 2025

The world-famous 26.2-mile event will take you on a journey through the capital and past famous London landmarks.

By taking on this challenge and joining our team of incredible runners, you are helping change the lives of those who are blind or partially sighted.

When you run for us, you’ll receive:

• A customised branded running vest.
• A fundraising pack to help you reach that all-important fundraising target.
• Expert training advice.
• Continuous support from our fundraising team and close communication pre and post marathon day.
• Assistance in all guide runner related enquiries.

Charity places are limited and will only be awarded after the public ballot has been announced in June/July 2024.

If you are lucky enough to secure a ballot place and would like to run for us, please do get in touch as we’d love to welcome you to the team for this challenge. You can also set up your Enthuse page to get an early start on fundraising!

For more information, please email or call our office on +44 (0) 20 7620 2066.


Check out our incredible 2024 team!


Why support Fight for Sight and Vision Foundation?

Every six minutes someone in the UK is told they are losing their sight – that’s life-changing news that is dealt out 240 times each day.

  • Sight loss in the UK is on the rise at a time of spiralling living costs, when health and social care services are struggling with demand.
  • The amount of public money currently spent on the problem is nowhere near adequate –only 1.5% of UK medical research is invested into finding new ways to prevent, diagnose or treat sight loss. This equates to just £9.60 for each person whose life has been turned on its head by sight loss.
  • If you’re a blind adult of working age in the UK, there is only a 1 in 4 chance that you’re working, and so visually impaired people can face the financial, social and mental impact of unemployment alongside their disability