Helping researchers reverse the effects of sight loss – Vision Foundation

Helping researchers reverse the effects of sight loss

Fight for Sight funding has provided a PhD Studentship funding grant to Dr Nina Milosavljevic at the University of Manchester to support her research work into reversing the effects of sight loss. PhD Studentships encourage knowledge sharing so the student can conduct vision research in the future.
Thanks to this support, Dr Milosavljevic and other researchers like her have a chance of taking their work all the way to life-changing treatments and potentially, reversing sight loss.
Dr Milosavljevic has been working on developing a cutting-edge, new optogenetics treatment approach that could restore sight in people with retinal disease. It does this by re-introducing the ability to sense light to the retina, using a harmless virus, so that other viable retinal cells can sense light.
This optogenetics therapy has already shown promising results in a recent clinical trial, with early evidence suggesting some sight can be restored in patients. That it could get to this stage was only possible thanks to the kindness and generosity of supporters, which enabled Dr Milosavljevic to access early career research funding.